Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Tibet is a peaceful country, which has never posed a threat to another nation and has even been thought of as the most religious country in the world. However, Tibet was invaded and annexed by China in 1950. Yet, China asserts that Tibet should be rightfully under its control. They argue that the Tibetans have signed documents that invited the Chinese to occupy Tibet in order to help the Tibetans. The Chinese claim to have greatly improved the conditions of Tibet, bringing them such luxuries as electricity and roads. Despite all of these claims, China has, in reality, illegally occupied Tibet, manipulated Tibetans, caused others to flee, oppressed the religion of Tibet, transferred many Chinese people to Tibet, slaughtered thousands of Tibetans, violated the rights of Tibetans, and tried to disguise what they have done by using propaganda. Thus, China must leave Tibet and bestow autonomy to Tibet, allowing Tibet to operate independently as they have successfully for cent! China is a neighbor to the small Buddhist country Tibet. Tibet and China have endured a state of mutual respect for centuries. At other times China invaded Tibet, however Tibet also invaded China in the past. Throughout their history together there is no proof at all that Tibet was ever a part of China (Dalai Lama 57). In the late 1940s China became a communist government. After their political transfer, China then began to spy on Tibet. Finding that Tibet had a weak military, the Chinese moved their forces to Tibets eastern border and then attacked without a formal warning. The Chinese abused Tibetan delegates and forced them to sign a treaty allowing Chinese troops to enter Tibet. The Chinese insisted that they were only in Tibet to help the people and to protect them from imperialist nations, when in fact the Chinese were the only imperialists in Tibet (67). The Chinese said that once they had finished assisting the Tib...

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